Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hide or Embrace?

I have a wierd thought today but one that I think most people can relate to...  Is it really better to try to forget/ignore the negative things that happen in our lives or should we face them head on and learn to live with them?  I suppose I've always been on the side of dealing with struggles and learning from them rather than to pretend they didn't happen. 

I have a friend that I will keep anonymous, just in case anyone reads this, that had a terrible accident a few years ago.  It was quite life changing and extremely difficult for them and their family.  It seems that most if not all of them have chosen to forget it ever happened.  They don't like to talk about it, even in a casual conversation.  It's like a giant elephant in the room that no one wants to admit is there. 

I'm not saying this family is doing anything wrong, it's just not the way I do things.  I tend to be willing to talk about any and everything that has happened in my life for the good or the bad, so for me, this is a strange way to handle things.  I've asked questions about it to this family and the majority of the time I get short, simple and finite answers.  I've asked the person that was in the accident about it and they don't even know a lot of the details because their family didn't talk to her about it and she was unconscious for part of it. 

So my question is this... is it better to pretend it didn't happen and go on with life?  or is it better to be open and discuss it so it's a part of your life?

My opinion is that talking about difficult things can be therapeutic and hiding from it can be emotionally disturbing... but that's just me.